How To Protect Your Energy Right Now

In any given situation you always want to find the higher ground. Not only is maintaining positive energy important for you, but energy is contagious and a positive vibe will benefit everyone you come in to contact with.

Image via @olivecooke

Now more than ever we all need coping strategies to stay positive, active and moving forward. Protecting your energy is paramount. Now is not the time to get caught up in petty fights, negative thinking or argumentative people. In any given situation you always want to find the higher ground. Not only is maintaining positive energy important for you, but energy is contagious and a positive vibe will benefit everyone you come in to contact with. Whether it is the colleague on your Zoom call, your friends, or the food delivery man, bringing a higher path to all you meet is one of the most simple yet effective ways to spread the light. In this way protecting your energy is not only great for you, but for everyone you interact with.

Here are some simple ways to protect your energy and keep your vibration high.

Mediate. It is the fastest way to reset your vibration, and reframe your mood.

Engage with positive people. If there is someone in your life who is draining you, consider how you can improve that relationship by setting new boundaries. If you don’t see that person responding to your new higher standards, it is always okay to disengage. Chances are if you are not enjoying the relationship, they won’t be either.

Don’t engage in negative conversations. And if you do, always leave a window open, figuratively speaking. If someone is speaking badly of someone else, counter that with “well, I guess we are all doing our best”. Find a way to lead the conversation to a more chill and loving tone by creating a window for And if you are the one speaking badly of others, pull yourself up and turn the conversation around to a more positive note. You always feel better personally when seeing the best in everyone, and

Sage your space. It is a ritual and like all rituals changes your state and level of consciousness. Learn more about cleansing your space from Brazilian shaman Ruda.

Hydrate. With water. Alcohol is one of the fastest ways to lower your vibration. We get it though, sometimes a mid week margarita and rose in the park is exactly all you feel like. And that’s okay. But try and remember how you feel next day, and that part of protecting your energy is dealing with emotions, rather than drinking them away. Sorry, but we all need to hear the tough love sometimes.

Create a quick gratitude list. Gratitude is a hugely effective way to shift your energy into a space of appreciation and having enough. In turn it puts you in a mindset of creativity and opportunity. If you are having a tough day, try running through a list of everything that is going well in your life.

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